Urban Loci​ is a design lab, striving to understand its customers and their needs. Our continuous attempt to set new standards and trends through innovative thinking, helps our customer to carve out a place of their dream, like a piece of art.

As a responsible team, we are able to harmonize sustainability and affordability.

The birth of Urban Loci was with an intension to provide quality design furniture to people who are aware of good design. We get inspired with your needs, it drives us to think innovatively to make your life easier and enjoyable.

Standing-out: We believe that quality comes in detailing and material choice. We work with materials that are sustainable with minimum impact on the environment and also economical.

Our mission: Is to improve the quality of living and provide exceptionally good service to our clients. We believe in quality, rather than quantity!

A pre-laminated Particle board is an engineered wood product manufactured from wood chips and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder, which is pressed and extruded. It is denser and more uniform than conventional wood and plywood.
Using particle board helps in saving our forest.

Benefits of recycling steel is that it reduces the consumption, expenses, energy, and time to mine other valuable resources. For every ton of recycled steel, it saves one and a half tons of iron ore, half a ton of coal, and 40 percent of the water normally used in the production process. Steel can be continuously recycled without any damage or degradation to its properties