Frequent Asked Questions

Shipping Information

Once your order has been shipped, you'll get an email containing order details. To track your shipment, click the link in the email. Alternatively, visit and select the "Track Your Order" link in the upper right corner. You can log in or enter your order details to access tracking information.

We often source items from different vendors nationwide, and sometimes they need to be transported from distant parts of your city or nearby areas. In these situations, the item is first shipped from the vendor to our warehouse and then to you. We provide regular email updates to keep you informed about the status of your order and where your item is in the shipping process.


(a) You can cancel your orders for products, either partially or fully, before we issue and process the invoice for those products. Once the invoice is processed and issued, orders cannot be cancelled.

(b) If you change your mind about a specific product order, you can cancel it by referring to the unique tracking identity number (which helps you track the delivery status) provided by us. Simply send an email to to request the cancellation.

(c) If we receive the cancellation request before issuing and processing the invoice, we will cancel the order and initiate the product refund within 5 business days from receiving your cancellation request. The refunded amount will be returned to you through the same payment method you used for the purchase, and you can use it for future purchases. Refunds are subject to the policies and charges of your bank or financial institution.

We employ SSL encryption on our website to safeguard the exchange of sensitive information between your browser and our servers. Look for "https" in the URL (e.g., ) as an indication of SSL usage.

Your information is securely encrypted on our servers, and we do not disclose it to any third party. We use your personal details solely for order-related communication, product delivery, and sending any opted-for communications.

Orders & Returns

No, you will have to be a registered user to place an order on Urban Loci website.

a. Once you have selected the item that you wish to purchase, click on "Add to Cart".

b. After selecting the item you want to buy, click "Add to Cart."

c. Proceed to checkout by clicking the Checkout button.

d. On the "Order Summary Page," review your order. You can also apply for a coupon in the "Have a Coupon" box.

e. When ready, update your address.

f. If you're a registered user, log in using your mobile number or email, followed by the OTP.

g. After logging in, confirm the "Shipping Address" and click "Proceed to pay."

h. Choose your preferred payment method and click "Proceed to Pay Securely."

i. Once the order is confirmed, you'll receive a confirmation email with the Order Number.